Welcome to the Moore's Family Reunion 2013 Website

Hello Everyone,

Well, the time is here again for us to all get together and celebrate another great family reunion! We are very excited about hosting the 2013 family reunion in Beaufort, SC and we hope you enjoy everything we have planned for this joyous occasion.

This website was created to keep you all informed on all the latest reunion news, events, and all other detailed information. Take the time to browse the site for any reunion information you may need, and if there are any questions, please feel free to call or email us!

We are looking forward to having a great time and we hope you all feel the same!


See ya in June!!!!

Registration Information

Reunion Dates:

June 14 - 16, 2013

Family Dues:

Children Ages 0 - 12: Free

Children 13 - 17: $15.00

Adults 18 and up: $37.50


T-Shirt Prices:

Kids Sm - Lg: $7.00

Adults Sm - XL: $9.00

Adults 2XL: $10.00

Adults 3XL - 4XL: $12.00




Reunion Events

Picnic Events

We have a lot of fun events planned, with Trophies and Ribbons for each game! Sign-up when you arrive on the sign-up sheets that will be available at each game station...

Fashion Show

Show us your swagger, whether it be sporty, casual, or formal!

Hat Fashion Show

Express yourself with the craziest and entertaining hat you can design! Will be held Friday June 14, 2013 during the Meet and Greet


Wristband Policy

01/21/2013 22:50
Wristbands This year we will be implementing different color wristbands for everyday of the...

Additional Hotel Info

01/21/2013 22:43
Hotel Info For the hotel accomodations, there may be a "group rate" for the rooms depending on how...

T-Shirt Images

01/16/2013 23:20
  If you want to take a look at what the reunion t-shirts will look like, head on over to the...

Dues and T-Shirt Payments

01/16/2013 21:59
Family Dues Dues are due no later than May 10, 2013. Form is located in the Photo...

Hotel and Lodging Information

01/16/2013 19:32
Quality Inn of Beaufort: All rooms are $69.00 plus tax   Hotel Website to Make...

Stacie Powers

01/16/2013 19:01
Your reunion package including: Reunion Itenerary Hotel Accomodations Family Dues...