
Wristband Policy

01/21/2013 22:50
Wristbands This year we will be implementing different color wristbands for everyday of the reunion. Once you return your dues form and your dues payment, the names that are paid for on the list will be given wristbands in order to participate in the reunion activities. If you have not paid your...

Additional Hotel Info

01/21/2013 22:43
Hotel Info For the hotel accomodations, there may be a "group rate" for the rooms depending on how many people will be going and how many rooms you will all need. Stacie will be your point of contact for hotel accomodations. Contact her ASAP with your reservation request and she will contact the...

T-Shirt Images

01/16/2013 23:20
  If you want to take a look at what the reunion t-shirts will look like, head on over to the photo gallery! T-shirt colors will be Crimson Red, White, and Black...   T-Shirt Order Forms are also located in the Picture Gallery. You have the option of either receiving your package from...

Dues and T-Shirt Payments

01/16/2013 21:59
Family Dues Dues are due no later than May 10, 2013. Form is located in the Photo Gallery.   T-Shirt Form and Payment T-shirt form and payment is due no later than April 15, 2013. Form is located in the Photo Gallery.   ***Please be sure to mail your money order with your t-shirt order...

Hotel and Lodging Information

01/16/2013 19:32
Quality Inn of Beaufort: All rooms are $69.00 plus tax   Hotel Website to Make Reservations:   Address: 2001 Boundary St.               Beaufort, SC 29902 Phone: (843)...

Stacie Powers

01/16/2013 19:01
Your reunion package including: Reunion Itenerary Hotel Accomodations Family Dues Information T-Shirt Registration Form Event Sign up Sheets Will all be given to you by Stacie Powers. Please contact her ASAP for your package!